सामुदायिक विज्ञान महाविद्यालय, जि. परभणी - ४३१ ४०२ (महाराष्ट्र)

College of Community Science, Dist. Parbhani - 431 402 (Maharashtra)

Contact Information

S. No. In charge Officers Designation Contact Number
1. Dr. Jaya Bangale Associate Dean and Principal 7588082056
2. Dr. Neeta Gaikwad Hostel Warden 7774841649
3. Dr. Veena Bhalerao Education and Examination In charge 8329372974
4. Dr. Shankar Puri Admission Cell In charge 9326106036
5. Dr. Vidyanand Manvar Vice President Gymkhana and NSS Programme Officer 9860339300